Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Untitled (the drinking game one)

Title: Untitled (the drinking game one)
Author: oddegg
Pairing: Established Erik/Charles to me, although it could also be seen as gen
Rating: PG (unless mentions of shots and alcohol merit a higher rating?)

Written for the prompt: "The kids start a drinking game where they take a shot every time Charles says 'groovy' or 'my friend.' They are always drunk."

Bwahahaha how can a prompt like this not end up in hilariously amazing fic? Or amazingly hilarious? I especially adore the fact that Erik gets to yell "SHOTS!" so the kids don't miss a drink, and these two lines are priceless:

Erik said thoughtfully “Perhaps next time you should smoke up every time he puts his fingers to his forehead.”

Sean looked up at him, slightly green, and said “There’s not enough Mary Jane in the world, man!”

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