Sunday, May 15, 2011


Title: Aggression
Author: Anomura
Pairing: Kurama/Hiei... ish?
Rating: PG-13

Wow. I cannot even begin to explain how hard I've been looking for this fic. It's been in the back of my head since I made the decision to dig up all my favorite YYH fics and list them somewhere, and finally, FINALLY, I have found it! It's not even a huge epic or crazy drama - the story is basically "Kurama tells Hiei that the tape he gave to Yuusuke concerns Yukina" during the Rescue Yukina arc - but somehow, the dynamic of the two and the whole atmosphere of the story just stuck out in my head. Plus, Hiei at the end? Is basically what I kept remembering when I was trying to think of keywords that could help me find this fic (I kid you not, I went through pages and pages on there's a lot of YYH fic out there @_@)

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