Friday, October 14, 2011

Two Stories About Falling

Both for prompt: "Bucky fell off the train - and Steve? Steve jumped right after him." Oh you just know this is going to hurt.

Title: there is no after the fall
Author: matchsticks_p
Pairing: Steve/Bucky
Rating: PG

Oh oh oh this one packs such a punch. "They're going to crash so hard that it doesn't matter who hits first, their bones will pulverize together into the same mush, but Steve will die trying to cushion Bucky's fall."

Oh Bucky. Oh Steve (because he totally would too, wouldn't he?)

From Trenches to Glory (keep scrolling down)
Author: croutonicknight
Pairing: Steve/Bucky
Rating: PG

"Before he lost his nerve, Bucky clawed up on Steve to make their faced even and smashed their lips together in the worst approximation of a kiss had had ever given. The dames would be ashamed of him, it was that bad. But it didn’t matter, nothing mattered, because Steve was kissing back."

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