Sunday, August 19, 2018

Tea and No Sympathy

Title: Tea and No Sympathy
Author: who_la_hoop
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Rating: NC-17

Groundhog Day-themed fic but oohhhh the sloooowwwww burn of it all, uuunnggghhhh. Also brings me back to the days of high school when you have a crush on someone and it's all so repressing but also exhilarating.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Fire Meet Gasoline

Title: Fire Meet Gasoline
Author: quixotesque
Pairing: Erik Stevens/T'Challa
Rating: NC-17

T'Challa is captured by Klaue... but T'Challa is prepared :)

I find the darker aspects of this T'Challa's personality very interesting, and I do love seeing T'Challa and Erik being an awesome combo.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Tell me what you waitin' for

Title: Tell me what you waitin' for (ongoing)
Pairing: Erik Stevens/T'Challa
Rating: NC-17

College AU where T'Challa is the Dean's son and meets Erik at a house party.

I really like the interactions and characterizations in this story, where Erik and T'Challa are still themselves from the movie, but also... a little different to fit the AU. Also, the relationship progression is realistic but cute.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

erik stevens, prince of wakanda

Title: erik stevens, prince of wakanda (ongoing)
Author: theformerone
Pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13 (for now)

T'Chaka brings Erik back after Oakland, he learns to grow up with all the love and support he never had in canon.

I love the family dynamics in this, as well as the backstory surrounding Ramonda's heritage, and everyone getting to be kids.

All The Stars

Title: All The Stars (ongoing)
Author: Capbuckyang
Pairing: Erik Killmonger/T'Challa
Rating: PG-13 (for now)

The one where the jaguar is named as the panther’s shadow, created to protect and be one with the King.

sometimes a family is nine unrelated superheroes and an adopted teenage boy

Title: sometimes a family is nine unrelated superheroes and an adopted teenage boy
Author: shrill_fangirl_screaming
Pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13

Peter Parker & Spiderman become integrated into the Avengers.

This is such a cute family fic, the writing is funny as hell, and the conversations flow like natural conversations. Also, giant naked mole rat monsters!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Red Light, Green Light

Title: Red Light, Green Light
Author: mardia
Pairing: Erik Killmonger/T'Challa
Rating: NC-17

Interesting AU where Erik gets taken back to Wakanda sometime around college, and works through his anger at his father's mysterious death there. The whole thing is threaded through with UST that's a slow burn in the pit of your stomach, and the emotions ring true.

Monday, March 5, 2018

the blazing sunset in your eyes

Title: the blazing sunset in your eyes
Author: insincerely
Pairing: Erik Killmonger/T'Challa
Rating: NC-17

Gorgeous filthy smut with feelings. Erik is home.

save my soul for me

Title: save my soul for me (series)
Author: starksnow
Pairing: Erik Killmonger/T'Challa
Rating: NC-17

T'Challa saves Erik, and they grow closer together, while Erik thaws slowly.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

buried alive

Title: buried alive
Author: twoif
Pairing: none
Rating: Gen

Beautiful lyrical piece starting with T'Challa saving Erik after the final battle, and weaving in the myth (but also reality) of vibranium and Bast, and what it means, at the heart, to be Wakandan.

perhaps, this

Title: perhaps, this (series)
Author: j_gabrielle
Pairing: Erik Killmonger/T'Challa
Rating: all over the place

AU series where Erik & T'Challa were betrothed due to a promise between their fathers. Still ties into the Black Panther storyline though.

Sweet series (although I'm a little unused to a completely not-angry Erik haha), and gives Erik some of the Wakandan life I really wish he had.

By Fairer Stars

Title: By Fairer Stars
Author: Lunatique (Lunafana)
Pairing: Zuri & Erik, T'Chaka & N'Jobu
Rating: Gen

After T'Chaka kills N'Jobu, Zuri requests that they bring Erik back to Wakanda.

Posting this here to keep track of it, as the author promises more to the series. I think it's a really interesting premise, and would love to see Erik growing up Wakandan and without the anger that fueled his life.

5 steps to peeling an onion

Title: 5 steps to peeling an onion
Author: sabrina_il (marina)
Pairing: Erik Killmonger/T'Challa
Rating: NC-17

T'Challa saves Erik in the end, and more than just his life (or, the one where T'Challa rims Erik to tears).

I'm not sure if this is the fic that turned me onto Erik/T'Challa (I was such as Nakia/T'Challa girl after the movie), but this is the most believable Erik "redemption" story I've read so far. I have so much sympathy for Erik, but at the same time I know integrating him in Wakanda isn't going to be easy (he killed so, so many people), but I love the progression of his stay there, and how Erik himself starts letting go of his anger and thirst for revenge. Beautiful and moving.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Lights Out

Title: Lights Out
Author: thorduna

Pairing: Thor/Loki
Rating: NC-17

Odin tells Loki he has two choices after Thor brings him back to Asgard: marry Thor (in a Thor-gets-to-control-him type of way), or die.

This one is painful to read, mainly because I'm such a Thor girl and while Loki hurting him makes sense from Loki's point of you, it hurts to see Thor so devastated again and again. I legit started tearing up in places, but overall it's a satisfying read.

Arenas Temporis

Title: Arenas Temporis
Author: thorduna

Pairing: Thor/Loki
Rating: NC-17

The Groundhog Day-ish one where every life Thor remembers all the previous ones he's lived, and he and Loki find each other and live life together (or sometimes kill each other). Except this time, he hasn't found Loki for a millennia. I love love love the ending 💖

Monday, December 4, 2017

Go Kiss the Liquor Off His Laugh

Title: Go Kiss The Liquor Off His Laugh
Author: thorduna
Pairing: Thor/Loki
Rating: NC-17

Thor goes clubbing and takes a body shot off a green-eyed stranger. That whole body shot sequence literally drew me in to the point where all background noises faded, and I was almost experiencing the shot with Thor. Hot and simmering and ugh.

Stranger Inside

Title: Stranger Inside
Author: thorduna
Pairing: Loki/Loki
Rating: NC-17

Future Loki visits past Loki and they talk... among other things. I really like this idea of future Loki wanting to change things, and past Loki wanting to ensure he never turned into what he saw in his future.

In Your Dreams

Title: In Your Dreams
Author: hjbender
Pairing: Thor/Loki
Rating: NC-17

So I already recc'd the first work in this series, In The Flesh, and I'm not certain these two are actually related in any way, but this one has interesting dialogue, a fantasy that's by turns sweet and heartbreaking, Thor and Loki being themselves (I like how Thor is coming into his own and becoming able to match wits and banter with Loki now, and I'm sure Loki does too, for all he probably was initially dismayed by this), and of course, scorching scorching sex. Good lord the sex.

Two Post-Ragnarok Hug Fics

Title: Reign of the Hammer & Homage
Author: Ralph_E_Silvering
Pairing: Thor/Loki
Rating: NC-17/Explicit

Two post-Ragnarok hug (and beyond) fics, as part of Ralph_E_Silvering's "Princes of Asgard" series. Reign of the Hammer has beautiful, burning hot UST, and Homage has some verbal teasing in it that manages to be scorchingly playful. I also love how "brother" is almost synonymous to "I love you" between these two, at this point (reminds me of "as you wish" from The Princess Bride :P).

“Was that what you needed, my king,” the mischievous voice, of the one person Thor truly needed in life, teased. “Was that homage enough for the ruler of Asgard?”

You Don't Have To Say You Love Me

Title: You Don't Have To Say You Love Me

Author: menel
Pairing: Thor/Loki
Rating: NC-17/Explicit

Thor and Loki, post-Ragnarok but also through the ages, being each other's firsts in all the ways that count. Not everything is resolved between them, and Loki can't promise that he won't leave Thor again whenever it suits him - but for now, they are together, and he is there.

“I would savor this.”

The answer gave Loki pause. His brother remained troubled.

“I thought you were dead,” Thor whispered, his voice close to breaking.

Not a Promise

Title: Not a Promise

Author: slamncram (GettheSalt)
Pairing: Thor/Loki
Rating: PG-13

Loki dies in front of Thor, again, this time by Thanos's hand. But then Strange wants to know if he's even going to ask the question. The emotion in this piece was beautiful.

If You Were Here

Title: If You Were Here
Author: Catchclaw
Pairing: Thor/Loki
Rating: Mature

Catchclaw writes beautiful, beautiful Thor/Loki (her Sometimes The Old Ways Are Best was previously rec'd), her summary of this story - "after the destruction of Asgard, a hug: then and now" - is a gorgeously seamless interweaving of the past and present. Also, my favorite sentence, which somehow manages to be both hot and somehow heartbreaking:

Thor’s mouth at his ear, his voice solid and sure. “Spill yourself on me so next time I fight, I will remember why I must come home alive.”

Sometimes The Old Ways Are Best

Title: Sometimes The Old Ways Are Best
Author: Catchclaw
Pairing: Thor/Loki
Rating: Mature

Beautiful, beautiful story of Thor and Loki after Ragnarok, but also throughout the ages. I love the recurring themes (Thor's "Have faith, little brother, have faith"), and their steadfast love for each other through everything, through all. (Thor calling Loki "cricket" was a little odd to me, but hey, to each their own)

The World Begins to End

Title: The World Begins to End
Author: cy_chase, Palpalou
Pairing: Thor/Loki (but honestly also just gen)
Rating: PG-13

Zombie AU with an interesting take on the zombie virus. This was bleak and hard but ended with a ray of hope (and now I want more of this universe!).

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Real Men Darn Their Own Stockings (Amongst Other Things)

Title: Real Men Darn Their Own Stockings (Amongst Other Things)
Author: Sans_Souci
Pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13

Thor darns stockings, embroiders, goes to spas, and otherwise cheerfully and unabashedly enjoys the hell out of "girly" activities. The story is also littered with references, and the whole thing sparkles with wit.
“But why are you dressed like that?” Tony wanted to know. “I am mostly heterosexual with a healthy dose of bi-curiosity and the sight of your manly thighs does not offend, but are you in need of a pair of sweatpants?”