Sunday, March 4, 2018

5 steps to peeling an onion

Title: 5 steps to peeling an onion
Author: sabrina_il (marina)
Pairing: Erik Killmonger/T'Challa
Rating: NC-17

T'Challa saves Erik in the end, and more than just his life (or, the one where T'Challa rims Erik to tears).

I'm not sure if this is the fic that turned me onto Erik/T'Challa (I was such as Nakia/T'Challa girl after the movie), but this is the most believable Erik "redemption" story I've read so far. I have so much sympathy for Erik, but at the same time I know integrating him in Wakanda isn't going to be easy (he killed so, so many people), but I love the progression of his stay there, and how Erik himself starts letting go of his anger and thirst for revenge. Beautiful and moving.

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