Sunday, October 9, 2011


Title: Tessellation
Author: nekomuse
Pairing: Erik/Charles
Rating: NC-17

Based on the prompts that have Erik and Charles meeting when they're older, when Charles is already in the wheelchair, and know of each other but haven't actually met prior.

This is one of those really good meaty stories that you don't want to start right before your bedtime - because you'll end up thinking "just one more chapter," and before you know it you've finished the story and it's 3 in the morning. The Charles in this story is less... "pure," for lack of a better word; he's perfectly willing to use his telepathy to "nudge" other people in the direction he wants, although never too maliciously, and I absolutely love the characterizations of all the other people (I actually adore the Emma in this story, and Riptide completely freaking out over cockroaches - or was it rats? - is hilarious).

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