Thursday, October 6, 2011

2 stories about Charles "seducing" Erik's friends away

For the prompt: "So I dunno maybe the whole divorce scene ended differently but Erik still kind of left, but not really for good. Charles is all understanding that Erik has to 'find himself' or 'Work out his human hating issues' or whatever, and he promises that he won't force Erik to come back to him. He'll wait.

But Erik's new minions are fair game.

Cue Charles being sweet to Azazel and they are suddenly very buddy-buddy and hanging out all the time talking philosophy. Emma and Charles live a very similar life style and they often go to the same restaurants and operas and just happen to 'see' each other there. Riptide, who always kind of felt like the least powerful of the team, finds a kind and understanding friend who doesn't see him as another tool for power. Angel, seeking forgiveness, is accepted into Charles home with open arms. Raven, it's his sister of course she wants to see her brother but she's standing by Erik. Pretty much all of Erik's new friends are now hanging out with Charles, seduced by his kind smiles and generous heart, they badger Erik for being a horrible boyfriend and leaving poor Charles all his lonesome. Coming back to the lair talking about the cookies Charles made them and how he's always talking about Erik like the guy just stepped out for a cigarette, and really what kind of guy leaves a guy like Charles alone and not worry that someone else is going to snatch that up.

Of course Erik come home, he has to stop this madness unless Charles drives him crazy. Maybe some possessive, jealous sex to clear the air, and then a happy family breakfast in the morning with everyone to enjoy the reunion."

Friend Like Me (WIP)
Author: Anonymous
Pairing: Erik/Charles (at some point, so far it's been gen)
Rating: PG

Hahaha the portrayal of the Brotherhood is awesome in this. I love the individual character studies, the little details - this is building up to be even more enjoyable than it already is, and I can't wait :D

Title: Shared Custody (scroll down)
Author: smilebackwards
Pairing: Erik/Charles, Azazel/Raven (although this is mostly gen, really)
Rating: PG-13

Charles baking! Basically winning everyone's heart with scones ("The scone Azazel is served from the finished batch is the lightest, fluffiest thing he's ever tasted. He honestly considers defecting. Raven laughs and puts a hand on his forearm. "You look like you're having a mouth orgasm," she says.")! Azazel's crush on Raven! This is cute and hilarious (although some of Charles's complete open-arms policy regarding members of the Brotherhood is... a little... odd sometimes, but then with the slight AU-twist of the beach scene maybe that's understandable), and the ending, good lord.

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