Monday, September 5, 2011

Objects in a Mirror

Title: Objects in a Mirror
Author: cityofmist
Pairing: Gen
Rating: PG

For the prompt: "I have seen a few prompts for Human!Charles and Mutant!Erik, but now I would like to see the opposite. Something where Human!Erik hates mutants. How would he have reacted to Charles?? Would Charles hide his mutation?? Does Raven out him to Erik?? Are they already in a relationship when Erik finds out?? Maybe Erik hates mutants because his family was killed by them. Or maybe he knows most think humans are to be exterminated and mutants are the future so he stays away from them. Anything goes. :)

Bonus if he and Charles end up together and happy in the end. "

This is beautiful - from Erik's very human prejudice to Raven's angry pride (and I love how in this fic Raven apparently walks around the house in her natural blue form 'cause there isn't anything restricting her from doing so), to the final beginnings of friendship between Erik and Charles - it's so interesting, because Magneto is so intense in his ideologies of mutant superiority, but you flip the coin and he can be just as intensely distasteful of mutants when he's human. I guess Erik just doesn't like people who are different? :P Joking, tangent, anyways this is a beautiful piece (and the part about Hank just made me sad, 'cause I could so see things going that way from movie canon), and I really can't say enough good things about it <3

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